Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Welcome, Welcome!

Hey guys! First off, welcome to the Max Ride Reading Challenge blog! We're currently two weeks from the start of the challenge, so remember: advertise advertise advertise, and be thinking about ways to get The Angel Experiment in your hands!

Among other things...hello there! I'm Ella from Musings in Ink. I'm the Other Host of this lovely little challenge, and I welcome everyone here. Remember to follow this blog to sign up for the challenge and grab one of the many buttons we have :]

Hm...what else? Musings in Ink is actually a little writing blog I run, in which I post about my WIP progress, book reviews, writing advice, and a bunch more "awesome sauce". I actually have not read all of the current Maximum Ride books yet; I'm missing ANGEL, which, I know, is very sad. Mag, however, has read every single one so if anyone ever has this random moment to talk about ANGEL with one of us--before the Month of Reading ANGEL--talk about it with Mag (yes, Mag, I'm pushing the burden onto you :D).

If anyone wants to contact me about the contest or for whatever other reason, my email is writingella(@)hotmail(dot)com.

That's it to this mini-intro post, I suppose. And remember: just two more weeks guys!

- Ella

1 comment:

  1. Haha, it's no burden, trust me! I'm dying to talk about Angel, lol :)
